What is The Galactic Times Newsletter?

The Galactic Times Newsletter is all about the night sky and current news that relates to what you can see in the sky tonight, and how astronomy is interconnected to everyday life. It discusses current news that does, and often does NOT, make the larger media, tells you news related to the stars and planets you see in the current evening, and then tells you how to find those very same objects. The Newsletter, rather, what we call the Inbox Magazine, also delves into astronomy that shows up in your everyday life experiences—people, places, things, humor, seriousness, education in all levels and courses, and more. On its homepage, http://www.thegalactictimes.com, you can check out not only all past Tables of Contents but also an Index of topics of all issues of the publication.

Why subscribe?

While you can freely browse on the Website all back issues, subscribe and have this Inbox Magazine arrive twice a month in your…Inbox! You’ll get more insight into news about what’s happening in the universe, and how it relates both to you and to things you see in the night sky. And subscribers get the issue a week before it is posted to the Web.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Consider this the astronomy magazine that you carry on your phone, your tablet, and is both conversational and serious and not full of internet drivel.

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Subscribe to The Galactic Times Newsletter

Astronomy News, The Sky and The Universe in Everyday Life. Commentary and Astronomy Education.


Author, astronomer, historian, educator